Procon Insurance Brokers

39 Years promoting Insurance products, Investments products and Retirement products in the Financial Services Industry.
1085 Haarhoff Street, Villieria
Pretoria, Gauteng
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Procon Insurance Brokers CC has been a recognized name in the insurance industry for over 35 years. Procon Insurance Brokers CC provides a wide range of financial products including industry renowned products [ to name but a few ] such as,

Retirement Annuities, Bond Cover, Life Cover, Disability Cover, Impairment Cover, Loss of Income, Savings Plans, Investment Plans, Injury, Illness, Disease, Comprehensive Accident cover, Medical Aid and Short Term Insurance - Personal and Commercial 

Procon Insurance Brokers promotes the life and short-term insurance industry by enhancing consumer confidence in creating a positive image, awareness and understanding of the industry. We are client-orientated and consumer-focused, therefore business is spread among insurers, according to the client’s needs and affordability.

It involves you “the client” to feel free to visit your financial adviser, whether he / she is a telephonic, a representative, or any other type of financial adviser, at any given time to ensure he / she has sufficient resources to conduct business and has the operational ability, he / she is competent, able to maintain the confidentiality of your information and whether he / she will still be conducting business in the years to come.


Financial Services such as:

  • Personal risk planning

Personal risk planning evaluates your current provisions in the event of your premature death or permanent disability against your capital and income goals in such event.

  • Retirement planning

Retirement planning is a strategy of planning ahead for your future retirement. It evaluates your current retirement provisions against your capital and income goals for the years after retirement.

  • Investment of retirement benefits

Investment of retirement benefits considers the benefits to which you have now become entitled. You are going into retirement and this is a strategy to apply your capital and income benefits in such a way that you can maintain your standard of living and realise other lifestyle goals.

  • Investment planning

Investment planning considers the wealth that you have accumulated as reflected on your balance sheet and aims to preserve and grow it. It evaluates your general goals and recommends an investment strategy based on risk, tax, term and accessibility considerations.

  • Employee benefits

Provides financial well being throughout each person’s life by empowering you to make relevant choices and control your destiny. There is a distinction between corporate (group) and individual solutions. It evaluates your current position and individual needs to recommend a strategy that will enable an employee to plan for his/her retirement.

  • Short-term insurance planning {Commercial or Personal}

Short-term insurance planning identifies any potential shortfall in your existing short-term insurance. There is a distinction between commercial and personal insurance.

  • Risk

Risk cover at death

Risk cover at death evaluates your existing capital and income provisions against your general liabilities and goals for dependants in such event.

Risk cover at permanent disability

Risk cover at permanent disability evaluates your existing capital and income provisions against your needs and goals in such event.

Risk cover at temporary disability

Risk cover at temporary disability evaluates your existing capital and income provisions against your needs and goals in such event.

  • Mortgage protection

Mortgage protection considers a specific bond debt and evaluates it against your existing provisions for settling it in the event of your death or permanent disability.

  • Investment

Reinvestment of specified withdrawal benefit from retirement fund

Reinvesting a withdrawal benefit from a retirement fund analyses the available options for such a capital receipt and its tax implications. It evaluates this outcome against your immediate and retirement capital needs.

Reinvestment of maturity proceeds from retirement fund

Reinvesting the maturity proceeds from a retirement fund considers the retirement benefits to which you have now become entitled, but which you do not need right now to provide an income and so these must be reinvested for a further term. It evaluates this and other retirement provisions against your capital and income goals during retirement.

Investment of specified capital

Investment of specified capital considers a special capital amount that you now have and for which you have a special goal. It evaluates tax, risk and term considerations against that goal.

  • Healthcare

Healthcare prefunding

Healthcare prefunding considers your existing provision for healthcare after retirement and evaluates it against your needs for day-to-day and major medical procedures during those years.

  • Saving for a specific goal


Education planning considers your existing provision for the education of dependants and evaluates it against the educational aspirations that you have for them.

Saving for a specific goal

Saving for specific goals considers existing provision that you have for your lifestyle goals and evaluates it against the goals that you want to achieve and the timing of these.

  • Business Insurance

Business insurance is generally taken out by a company or employer on the life of an employee or a director of the company, for the benefit of either the business or employer or to the employee or to both the employee and the employer.

Suretyship protection

This is a plan to avoid financial loss in the personal estate of an individual who is liable for a debt of the business through signing as co-principal debtor or by providing any other form of security.

Keyperson cover

Identifies individuals that play a key role in the future existence and profitability of the business. It quantifies those risks in the event of the death or permanent disability of such key person.

Buy-and-sell arrangement

This formalises and quantifies the terms and conditions on which the remaining owners will purchase the interest that a deceased or permanently disabled owner holds in the business.

Loan account redemption

Quantifies the current provision that the business must make to repay its loan account commitments at a future date.

Preferred compensation

This is an incentive scheme for selected employees to retain their future services for the benefit of the business.

Corporate Saver

This is a savings plan to assist the business in meeting various types of commitments for capital expenditure in future.

  • Intermediary services

Intermediary service refers to instances where the planner performs a service in connection with a financial product for or on behalf of a client, other than providing advice, eg increasing monthly premium payments upon instruction of the client.

 Finansiële Dienste soos byvoorbeeld:

  • Persoonlike risikobeplanning

Persoonlike risikobeplanning evalueer jou huidige voorsiening in die geval van jou vroeë dood of permanente ongeskiktheid in vergelyking met jou kapitaal en inkomstedoelwitte in so ‘n geval.

  • Aftreebeplanning

Aftreebeplanning is ‘n strategie om vooruit te beplan vir jou toekomstige aftrede. Dit evalueer jou huidige aftreevoorsiening in vergelyking met jou kapitaal- en inkomstedoelwitte vir die jare na aftrede.

  • Belegging van aftreevoordele

Die belegging van aftreevoordele oorweeg die voordele waarop jy nou geregtig geraak het. Jy gaan aftree en dit is ‘n strategie om jou kapitaal en inkomstevoordele op so ‘n manier aan te wend dat jy jou lewenstandaard kan handhaaf en jou ander lewenstyldoelwitte kan verwesenlik.

  • Gesondheidsorgvoordele

Die beplanning van gesondheidsorgvoordele evalueer jou bestaande mediesehulpdekking in vergelyking met jou behoefte aan daaglikse voordele en groot mediese prosedures.

  • Beleggingsbeplanning

Beleggingsbeplanning evalueer die geld wat jy bymekaar gemaak het soos dit in jou balansstaat weerspieël word en het ten doel om dit te bewaar en te laat groei. Dit evalueer jou algemene doelwitte en beveel ‘n strategie aan wat op die risiko, belasting, termyn en toeganklikheid gebaseer is.

  • Werknemervoordele

Daar is ‘n onderskeid tussen maatskappy- (groep-) en individuele oplossings. Dit evalueer jou huidige posisie en individuele behoeftes om ‘n strategie aan te beveel wat ‘n werknemer in staat stel om vir sy/haar aftrede te beplan.

  • Korttermynversekeringsbeplanning Kommersieel of Persoonlik

Korttermynversekeringsbeplanning identifiseer enige potensiële tekort in jou bestaande korttermynversekering. Daar is ‘n onderskeid tussen kommersiële en persoonlike versekering.

  • Risiko

Risikodekking by dood

Risikodekking by dood evalueer jou bestaande kapitaal- en inkomtsevoorsiening in vergelyking met jou algemene aanspreeklikhede en jou doelwitte vir jou afhanklikes in so ‘n geval.

Risikodekking by permanente ongeskiktheid

Risikodekking by permanente ongeskiktheid evalueer jou bestaande kapitaal- en inkomtsevoorsiening in vergelyking met jou behoeftes en doelwitte in so ‘n geval.

Risikodekking by tydelike ongeskiktheid

Risikodekking by tydelike ongeskiktheid evalueer jou bestaande kapitaal- en inkomstevoorsiening in vergelyking met jou behoeftes en doelwitte in so ‘n geval.


Verbandbeskerming oorweeg ‘n spesifieke verbandskuld en evalueer dit in vergelyking met jou bestaande voorsiening vir die vereffening daarvan in die geval van jou dood of permanente ongeskiktheid.

  • Belegging

Herbelegging van ‘n gespesifiseerde onttrekkingsvoordeel uit aftreefonds

Die herbelegging van ‘n aftreevoordeel ontleed die beskikbare opsies vir sodanige kapitaalontvangs en die belastingimplikasies daarvan. Dit evalueer hierdie uitkoms teenoor jou onmiddellike en aftreekapitaalbehoeftes.

Herbelegging van uitkeeropbrengs uit aftreefonds

Die herbelegging van ‘n uitkeeropbrengs uit ‘n aftreefonds oorweeg die aftreevoordele waarop jy nou geregtig is, maar wat jy nie nou nodig het om ‘n inkomste te verskaf nie en dus kan jy dit herbelê vir ‘n verdere termyn. Dit evalueer hierdie en ander aftreevoordele in vergelyking met jou kapitaal- en inkomstedoelwitte tydens aftrede.

Belegging van gespesifiseerde kapitaal

Belegging van gespesifiseerde kapitaal oorweeg ‘n spesiale kapitaalbedrag wat jy nou het en waarvoor jy ‘n spesiale doelwit het. Dit evalueer belasting- , risiko- en termynoorwegings in vergelyking met daardie doel.

  • Gesondheidsorg


Gesondheidsorg-voorafbefondsing oorweeg jou bestaande voorsiening vir gesondheidsorg na aftrede en evalueer dit in vergelyking met jou behoefte aan daaglikse en groot mediese prosedures gedurende daardie jare.

  • Spaar vir ‘n spesifieke doel


Onderwysbeplanning oorweeg jou bestaande voorsiening vir die opvoeding van afhanklikes en evalueer dit in vergelyking met die opvoedkundige aspirasies wat jy vir hulle het.

Spaar vir ‘n spesifieke doel

Spaar vir ‘n spesifieke doel oorweeg die bestaande voorsiening wat jy het vir jou lewenstyldoelwitte en evalueer dit in vergelyking met die doelwitte wat jy wil bereik en die tydsbepaling hiervoor.

  • Besigheidsversekering

Besigheidsversekering word gewoonlik deur ‘n maatskappy of werkgewer uitgeneem op die lewe van ‘n werknemer of ‘n direkteur van die maatskappy vir die voordeel van óf die besigheid óf die werkgewer of vir beide die werknemer en die werkgewer.


Dit is ‘n plan om finansiële verlies te voorkom in die persoonlike boedel van ‘n individu wat aanspreeklik is vir die skuld van ‘n besigheid deurdat hy as medehoofskuldenaar ‘n leningsooreenkoms onderteken het of deurdat hy die een of ander vorm van sekuriteit verskaf het.


Dit identifiseer individue wat ‘n sleutelrol in die toekomstige bestaan en winsgewendheid van die besigheid speel. Dit kwantifiseer daardie risiko’s in die geval van dood of permanente ongeskiktheid van sodanige sleutelpersoon.


Dit formaliseer en kwantifiseer die bepalings en voorwaardes waarop die oorblywende eienaars die belang wat ‘n oorlede of permanent ongeskikte eienaar in die besigheid hou, sal koop.


Dit kwantifiseer die huidige voorsiening wat die besigheid moet maak om sy leningsverpligtinge op ‘n toekomstige datum terug te betaal.


Dit is ‘n aanmoedigingskema vir gekose werknemers om hul toekomstige dienste vir die voordeel van die besigheid te behou.

Korporatiewe Spaarplan

Dit is ‘n spaarplan om die besigheid te help om verskeie soorte verpligtinge ten opsigte van kapitaaluitgawe in die toekoms na te kom.

  • Tussengangerdienste

Tussengangerdienste verwys na gevalle waar die beplanner ‘n diens lewer ten opsigte van ‘n finansiële produk vir en namens ‘n kliënt behalwe om advies te verskaf, bv. die verhoging van die maandelikse premiebetalings in opdrag van die kliënt.


Pietie Höll
012 332 0853 | 076 868 7138